RFbeam Microwave GmbH
RFbeam Microwave GmbH - Based in St.Gallen, Switzerland, RFbeam Microwave GmbH is a leading supplier of planar Radar sensors, K-band measuring equipment and engineering. Their product range covers simple low-cost Doppler devices as well as state-of-the-art digital and superheterodyne transceivers and systems. Typical applications are movement and industrial sensors, traffic supervision and analyzer systems, sport measurement equipment and many other uses.
AX අර්ධ සන්නායක ක කරගන යාමට නියෝජිතයා ද වේ RFbeam Microwave GmbH. ඔබ විසින් සිදු කරන ලද කිසියම් හෝ නිෂ්පාදන අවශ්ය නම් කරුණාකර අප සමග සම්බන්ධ RFbeam Microwave GmbH.