City Technology

City Technology - City Technology is the world's leading provider of life-saving gas sensing solutions. From pioneering origins in university laboratories to the frontline of safety-critical environments, it has a single-minded commitment to improving the quality of gas detection through innovative technology. With a range of more than 300 products detecting 28 different gases and a growing number of facilities in Europe, the USA, and Asia Pacific, City Technology is the number one choice for sensing technology.
AX අර්ධ සන්නායක ක කරගන යාමට නියෝජිතයා ද වේ City Technology. ඔබ විසින් සිදු කරන ලද කිසියම් හෝ නිෂ්පාදන අවශ්ය නම් කරුණාකර අප සමග සම්බන්ධ City Technology.
City Technology නිෂ්පාදන
සංවේදක, සම්ෙපේෂක